Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The House;
So it has been almost 3 weeks now and we still havn't finished getting everything for the house. The more important things like couches are coming next. At the moment we are sitting on the futon haha. But we did get a fridge and outdoor setting this week. My shed is coming along nicely too. Just need a pool table, some more chairs then it's on to building my bar! I cannot wait to build my bar, it's going to be epic! Then i need to save up for a new TV. Jesus, a lot of money is going to be put towards making this house look awesome but it will be worth it.
Today i also got my Shisha! I'm so stoked to get it within a week of ordering it. Usually that never happens..
Here are some photos for you to have a gander at it.
Today i also got my Shisha! I'm so stoked to get it within a week of ordering it. Usually that never happens..
Here are some photos for you to have a gander at it.
Well, now im off to go find a place here in Adelaide that sells the tobacco and coals to use this bad boy.
Ill update you all later on with how awesome it is!
Ill update you all later on with how awesome it is!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Is going to be awesome. Im getting tattooed yet again but im getting colour for the first time in 2 years. It's going to be a lot of fun. Plus i get to watch TV the whole time! Ill upload photos tomorrow night for everyone to have a gander.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I'm not actually sure if i wan't to do this or not. But i think i might do a vlog. Just to see what it is like.. Still unsure about it though. I guess i will see how it goes tomorrow..
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Pretty sure i am awesome;
Because i just got my girlfriend these things... and also a little for me too =]
Plus i got these for myself for 80 cents! WIN!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Romance Is Dead..
Romance Is Dead - Parkway Drive
This song makes me feel better when I'm down
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I will be getting Hold Fast done on my knuckles like this Tuesday October 4th at 1:30pm.
This is Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem by the way.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I want;
I want the top house, built into a rock. Fuck yes!
The bottom house is Eddie Murphy's House.. What the fuck man.. SERIOUSLY!
The bottom house is Eddie Murphy's House.. What the fuck man.. SERIOUSLY!
I would do anything to live there for 2 weeks!
What if;
What If;
I always wonder, what if?
I believe everyone wonders what if at some point in their lives.
SO, here are some of the things i like to think What If about..
What if;
I stayed with one of my Ex's?
I was never Friends with the ones i am today?
I completed school?
I didn't start listening to the music i do now?
I died in that car accident?
I lived on the other side of the world?
I believed in religion?
The world ended tomorrow?
The Harry Potter books kept going?
The twilight books were never written? Oh i know that one, no stupid girls would think it was a rip off from Harry Potter. Fucking idiots. It doesn't even deserve a capital letter.
The TV, Internet and phones were never invented?
We had wings?
Knew how to teleport?
Cancer and other aggressive diseases never existed?
Animals could talk?
There was never a World War I or II?
There was a World War III?
I won the lottery?
We could see further into space and travel into space with lightyear speed technology?
There are a lot more things i wonder about but those were just a few of them.
I always wonder, what if?
I believe everyone wonders what if at some point in their lives.
SO, here are some of the things i like to think What If about..
What if;
I stayed with one of my Ex's?
I was never Friends with the ones i am today?
I completed school?
I didn't start listening to the music i do now?
I died in that car accident?
I lived on the other side of the world?
I believed in religion?
The world ended tomorrow?
The Harry Potter books kept going?
The twilight books were never written? Oh i know that one, no stupid girls would think it was a rip off from Harry Potter. Fucking idiots. It doesn't even deserve a capital letter.
The TV, Internet and phones were never invented?
We had wings?
Knew how to teleport?
Cancer and other aggressive diseases never existed?
Animals could talk?
There was never a World War I or II?
There was a World War III?
I won the lottery?
We could see further into space and travel into space with lightyear speed technology?
There are a lot more things i wonder about but those were just a few of them.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Scrap That;
Forget the last post... stupid copyright laws haha
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The Devil Wears Prada - Dead Throne
I just uploaded the new album from The Devil Wears Prada on Youtube. So if your keen Here is the link, head over and have a gander.
My Youtube Account!
My Youtube Account!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
5 Things i am looking forward to..
1. My 21st Birthday. Hopefully this year people will make an effort into actually attending it. The last two years were a fucking joke and it disappointed me and made me feel horribly upset. So, with a little bit of hope and trust, this year might be different.
2. Finishing my sleeve. I have been working on my left sleeve for almost 3 years. It is almost complete. Hopefully it will be complete by the end of October. It's all just the money factor.
3. Moving out yet again, but with a different spark. I will be moving out again, but this time it will be with Bianca and not friends. I really want this to happen more than anything right now. But it can't because of the depressing issue below which is number four.
4. Having money again. Ever since i got back from America i have had no money, i have had no money for 3 weeks. It sucks balls when you have debts and bills to pay and no form of income. But recently i just acquired a job at The Old Bush Inn located less than 350m away from my house. I am a bar tender there but only for 2 nights a week so far. It's a start at least. Until i find another job to keep me stable.
5. Getting more healthy. Which i believe i am getting more and more healthy every day. I'm losing the fat and gaining muscle and not smoking as much or drinking as much. But it's a work in progress.
2. Finishing my sleeve. I have been working on my left sleeve for almost 3 years. It is almost complete. Hopefully it will be complete by the end of October. It's all just the money factor.
3. Moving out yet again, but with a different spark. I will be moving out again, but this time it will be with Bianca and not friends. I really want this to happen more than anything right now. But it can't because of the depressing issue below which is number four.
4. Having money again. Ever since i got back from America i have had no money, i have had no money for 3 weeks. It sucks balls when you have debts and bills to pay and no form of income. But recently i just acquired a job at The Old Bush Inn located less than 350m away from my house. I am a bar tender there but only for 2 nights a week so far. It's a start at least. Until i find another job to keep me stable.
5. Getting more healthy. Which i believe i am getting more and more healthy every day. I'm losing the fat and gaining muscle and not smoking as much or drinking as much. But it's a work in progress.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
One more week;
Only one more week until i head off to the states...
Can i get a hell fucking yes?!
Pretty fucking excited and keen for this shit!
Can i get a hell fucking yes?!
Pretty fucking excited and keen for this shit!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Just fucking keeps on getting better and better! Not only i got my Vanna Fan Pack (below)
But i just found out that when i am in America, Im not only going to the Vans Summer Warped Tour. But i am seeing Vanna, In Fear And Faith and Ten After Two a day before i leave to come back to Adelaide Australia.
No one has no idea how fucking excited i am right now. This has made me so god damn fucking happy! I just want to run around in excitement and scream out the top of my lungs. This is just fucking amazing.. I cannot believe this is happening =D
Today i got my Vanna Fan Pack in the mail.
I am so excited about it that its ridiculous!
I am so excited about it that its ridiculous!
It consists of the NEW album And They Came Baring Bones, 4 Pieces of Album Art and A set of 2 BLUE Dice with the logos on them.
As you may know i fucking love the band Vanna and i believe i am going to get the album art tattooed on me =]
The picture below is what it is meant to be but i got 2 die instead of 3 and they are blue so i done care because blue is my favourite colour =D
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Needing A Break..
As the title says, im in need of a break, a break from everything.
I need to get out of this state, country and mind.
I'm just so sick of the same shit all the time, no differ to any plans, always the same thing.
So i decided a while ago that i will take a holiday. A very fucking awesome holiday..
Yep, America. I know i have said before i have no reason to ever go to America and never really wanted to. BUT. I get free accommodation there (my friend lives there in Salt Lake City, Utah) and im going for one of the best things they have ever invented..
I need to get out of this state, country and mind.
I'm just so sick of the same shit all the time, no differ to any plans, always the same thing.
So i decided a while ago that i will take a holiday. A very fucking awesome holiday..
I am going to America
Yep, America. I know i have said before i have no reason to ever go to America and never really wanted to. BUT. I get free accommodation there (my friend lives there in Salt Lake City, Utah) and im going for one of the best things they have ever invented..
The Vans Warped Tour
I have always wanted to go to the Warped Tour. And this year, in August i am fucking going.
I believe this is what i need to escape for a while and just enjoy myself and see how it all works over there.
Ill be in Salt Lake City, Utah for 10 days. With a girl i met when she came and visited Australia a couple of months back. Her name is Heather, she is awesome and the one respoinsible for letting me have free accommodation at her house and she is buying me my Warped Tour ticket. Im seriously so fucking god damn keen to do this and nothing will stop me from going to this. And i mean NOTHING.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Caved in;
I finally caved in and purchased COD Black Ops.
It has taken me a while to get the urge to play it so i thought eh fuck it, ill buy it from ebay.
So it only cost me $47.98
Pretty sure Charlie Sheen could say "That's a winning price right there!"
and i would have to agree.
It's being shipped from the UK so it will take a while to get here.
But when it does, ima play that mother fucker into the ground!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Is there a girl in your life?
there is indeed.
If you woke up naked next to the last person who texted you, what would your reaction be?
i would be wondering where my clothes are?
Think of the last person who hurt you. Do you forgive them?
i dont remember the last time someone hurt me, so i must be over it.
What’s something you really want right now?
Money, all my debts gone, to keep my job
Are you afraid of falling in love?
Nope, im a sucker for that.
Do you like the beach?
Yeah, i like jetty jumping =]
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
haha yeah
What’s the background on your cell?
The Gaslight Anthem playing live
Do you like your phone?
eh, it does the job.
Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Well, it hasnt really started yet..
Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Elliots new number
Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
eh, both i guess?
Are you tired?
nope =]
How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
aaLazcat? sheet um 2 and a half years?.
Are they a relative?
Nah haha but im dating his sister =]
If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
no, i want to do all the things i want to do before that time comes
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Is there a certain quote you live by?
Whats on your mind?
i want to drink some wine, i want some money, i wonder how much im getting paid tomorrow, what time is Ryan coming over?
Do you have any tattoos?
sure do haha, left sleeve
Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Who are you texting?
no one haha i have no credit
Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
yeah, that sucks
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
i do indeed. HEY HOLLY!
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I know one person does..
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
nah haha
Were you single on Valentines Day?
What do your friends call you?
Michael, Mickle, M-Rye, Prison Mike, Money Mike.....dickhead?
Has anyone upset you in the last week?
my boss, but he loves me now haha
Have you ever cried over a text?
yes, when my pa died
Where’s your last bruise located?
fuck i dunno
Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
I always wear hats
Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
nah, been there done that and it sucks and is cold
Do you make supper for your family?, i make dinner though
Does your bedroom have a door?
I'll check.... yes
Top 3 web-pages?
Facebook, ANZ Banking, Youtube
Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
all kids when they have to go with mum
Does anything on your body hurt?
How are you?
Good thankyou, yourself?
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
i dunno
How is your hair?
flat.. very flat
What do you usually do first in the morning?
yawn, see what time it is then shower
Do you think two people can last forever?
eh maybe
Think back to January 2007, were you single?
uh, i cant remember.. does it matter now though?
When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
nah, here is pretty good right now =]
When will be the next time you text someone?
when i get credit again haha
Where will you be 5 hours from now?
drinking wine?
How old do you look?
I have no idea.. 21? 22? 23?
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
yes there is
Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
nope haha
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
zombies.. i had another dream about them
Have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
hell yes
How many windows are open on your computer?
3 Itunes, Firefox, VLC Media Player
there is indeed.
If you woke up naked next to the last person who texted you, what would your reaction be?
i would be wondering where my clothes are?
Think of the last person who hurt you. Do you forgive them?
i dont remember the last time someone hurt me, so i must be over it.
What’s something you really want right now?
Money, all my debts gone, to keep my job
Are you afraid of falling in love?
Nope, im a sucker for that.
Do you like the beach?
Yeah, i like jetty jumping =]
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
haha yeah
What’s the background on your cell?
The Gaslight Anthem playing live
Do you like your phone?
eh, it does the job.
Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Well, it hasnt really started yet..
Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Elliots new number
Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
eh, both i guess?
Are you tired?
nope =]
How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
aaLazcat? sheet um 2 and a half years?.
Are they a relative?
Nah haha but im dating his sister =]
If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
no, i want to do all the things i want to do before that time comes
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Is there a certain quote you live by?
Whats on your mind?
i want to drink some wine, i want some money, i wonder how much im getting paid tomorrow, what time is Ryan coming over?
Do you have any tattoos?
sure do haha, left sleeve
Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Who are you texting?
no one haha i have no credit
Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
yeah, that sucks
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
i do indeed. HEY HOLLY!
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I know one person does..
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
nah haha
Were you single on Valentines Day?
What do your friends call you?
Michael, Mickle, M-Rye, Prison Mike, Money Mike.....dickhead?
Has anyone upset you in the last week?
my boss, but he loves me now haha
Have you ever cried over a text?
yes, when my pa died
Where’s your last bruise located?
fuck i dunno
Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
I always wear hats
Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
nah, been there done that and it sucks and is cold
Do you make supper for your family?, i make dinner though
Does your bedroom have a door?
I'll check.... yes
Top 3 web-pages?
Facebook, ANZ Banking, Youtube
Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
all kids when they have to go with mum
Does anything on your body hurt?
How are you?
Good thankyou, yourself?
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
i dunno
How is your hair?
flat.. very flat
What do you usually do first in the morning?
yawn, see what time it is then shower
Do you think two people can last forever?
eh maybe
Think back to January 2007, were you single?
uh, i cant remember.. does it matter now though?
When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
nah, here is pretty good right now =]
When will be the next time you text someone?
when i get credit again haha
Where will you be 5 hours from now?
drinking wine?
How old do you look?
I have no idea.. 21? 22? 23?
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
yes there is
Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
nope haha
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
zombies.. i had another dream about them
Have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
hell yes
How many windows are open on your computer?
3 Itunes, Firefox, VLC Media Player
Monday, May 2, 2011
I am now playing Ragnarok again,
Quite addictive and very fun.
I am a Mage slowly becoming a Sorcerer.
I am currently playing with my mates England & Larry
Also my girlfriend is playing it, not all that well but she is doing good =]
If you want to play and chat, my name on there is Skeet.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Do you believe?;
I do not care what other people say, i believe there is other life out there and they are showing to us that there is.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
So you know that feeling when you just want to punch someone so hard in the face that it collapses?
That's pretty much what i am feeling right towards multiple people.
I do not understand why i am feeling this way.
Usually i just bottle everything up so much that i just explode from time to time. Usually when drunk.
But this time it's different. It feels like that little green fuck of a monster is just coming out ever more so often. I just feel so angry at these people most of the time for no reason, or very little reason. Just some of the things they say, the things they do, the actions they make. It's extremely annoying.
Two faced lying CUNTS. Now i don't use that word often, only when really angry, so as you can see I'm quite angry right now.
It's so disappointing seeing old friends turning into assholes and bitches and thinking they are top shit because they are dating other people who (in their eyes) seem to be cool, or rad or fucking whatever. Or that they got new ink so they think they are all top shit. Pull your fucking heads in and take a good look around. Not everything is about you! Not everything is about looks and being rad, awesome, cool, hip, dope and sick. It's about living life happy. You may think you are making people happy, in reality you are not. Because of your selfish ways and stubbornness the reality is that at least 88% of your "friends" talk shit behind your back because your a jack-ass.
Get real kids. Grow up. Get jobs. Start a new life.
5-6 years ago is a long time ago. Forget, start over and move on.
It's not worth losing people close to you because you are holding on to the past or trying to be something you clearly aren't.
That's pretty much what i am feeling right towards multiple people.
I do not understand why i am feeling this way.
Usually i just bottle everything up so much that i just explode from time to time. Usually when drunk.
But this time it's different. It feels like that little green fuck of a monster is just coming out ever more so often. I just feel so angry at these people most of the time for no reason, or very little reason. Just some of the things they say, the things they do, the actions they make. It's extremely annoying.
Two faced lying CUNTS. Now i don't use that word often, only when really angry, so as you can see I'm quite angry right now.
It's so disappointing seeing old friends turning into assholes and bitches and thinking they are top shit because they are dating other people who (in their eyes) seem to be cool, or rad or fucking whatever. Or that they got new ink so they think they are all top shit. Pull your fucking heads in and take a good look around. Not everything is about you! Not everything is about looks and being rad, awesome, cool, hip, dope and sick. It's about living life happy. You may think you are making people happy, in reality you are not. Because of your selfish ways and stubbornness the reality is that at least 88% of your "friends" talk shit behind your back because your a jack-ass.
Get real kids. Grow up. Get jobs. Start a new life.
5-6 years ago is a long time ago. Forget, start over and move on.
It's not worth losing people close to you because you are holding on to the past or trying to be something you clearly aren't.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I never;
I never thought that i could feel this way. But im glad it's a feeling towards you =]
I never thought i would be considering living with her. But i cannot wait =]
I love you, Bianca.
I never thought i would be considering living with her. But i cannot wait =]
I love you, Bianca.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My favorite Anime by far!
Ichigo Kurosaki is a teenager gifted with the ability to see spirits. His life is drastically changed by the sudden appearance of a Soul Reaper —one who governs the flow of souls between the human world and the afterlife—named Rukia Kuchiki, who arrives in search of a Hollow, a dangerous lost soul. When Rukia is severely wounded defending Ichigo from the Hollow, she attempts to transfer half of her reiatsu (霊圧?, literally, "spiritual pressure") energy to Ichigo so that he can defeat the Hollow. However, Ichigo takes almost all of her energy, transforming into a Soul Reaper and allowing him to defeat the Hollow with ease. With her powers diminished, Rukia is left stranded in the human world until she can recover her strength. In the meantime, Ichigo must take over Rukia's role as a Soul Reaper, battling Hollows and guiding souls to the afterlife realm known as the Soul Society (尸魂界 (ソウル·ソサエティ), Sōru Sosaeti?).
As time passes and Rukia has yet to return to the Soul Society, her Soul Reaper superiors learn about her whereabouts and actions and sentence her to death for performing the illegal act of transferring her powers. Although he is unable to stop Rukia's departure to the Soul Society, Ichigo resolves to rescue her with the aid of several of his spiritually aware classmates, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado, and Uryū Ishida, and the ex-Soul Reapers Yoruichi Shihōin and Kisuke Urahara. Once at the Soul Society, Ichigo and company battle against the elites of the Soul Reaper military and strive to reach Rukia before her execution.
It is revealed that both Rukia's execution and Ichigo's rescue attempt had both been manipulated by Sōsuke Aizen, a high-ranking Soul Reaper previously believed to have been murdered, as part of a far-reaching plot to take control of the Soul Society. Aizen betrays his fellow Soul Reapers and allies himself with the strongest of the Hollows, the Espadas. Each member of the Espadas has his or her own motives, ranging from malicious to benevolent from his or her own perspective. Aizen thus becomes the main antagonist of the series and the Soul Reapers form an alliance with Ichigo. At this point, Bleach chronicles the war between the Soul Reapers, the Espadas, and Aizen, who intends to garner souls from Ichigo's hometown in order to create the Ôken, a device able to open a portal to the location of the king of the Soul Society. Many third, fourth, and fifth parties also become involved in the conflict. After each of their eventual defeats, Ichigo undergoes intense training and becomes strong enough to battle Aizen alone. When Aizen is weakened, a spell that Urahara had previously hidden within him activates and seals him, thus ending the conflict and leaving the Soul Society to imprison him. As a result of using all of his Soul Reaper powers to defeat Aizen, Ichigo loses his spiritual power and returns to being a normal human again.
Seventeen months later, a group of human individuals, called "Xcution" emerges. They possess Hollow-like powers that allow them to draw out the soul that dwells in any substance and they desire to get rid of them. To achieve that, they approach Ichigo and inform him that they want to restore his lost Soul Reaper powers so that they may transfer their powers onto him.
It's been a while..
10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:
- I love you
- You're an amazing friend and I'm lucky to have you.
- Keep your nose in your own business.
- No, i do not like who you have become.
- Stay away from me.
- Stay away from her.
- Spineless fuck.
- I hate you, your friends hate you, i want to punch you in the face!
- Love how your like an older brother to me.
- I just wish you weren't such a dickhead.
- Im shy
- I worry that im somehow drifting away from friends or im annoying them to that extent.
- I dont mean to be a jerk to people. If i am being one please tell me.
- I think im sick...
- I listen to hip hop
- It feels like my head will explode if i sneeze.
- Im a huge sook.
- Im a romantic.
- I will never throw away certain items.
- Dont be a bitch.
- Get in the good books with my best friends.
- Do things for me that you wouldn't do for others.
- Partake in my interests.
- Laugh when i tell a joke.
- Hate Matt Damon.
- Be honest and trustworthy.
- Mean it when you say "I love you" or don't say it at all.
- Shawshank Redemption.
- Felon.
- Pirates of the Caribbean.
- Hook.
- Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
- Howl's Moving Castle.
- Spirited Away.
- Shower.
- Pee.
- Turn lights off.
- Get into bed.
- Set my alarm.
- Say goodnight (to my Pa who is deceased).
- Andrew - like a brother.
- Bianca - Girlfriend.
- Nadia - Sister.
- Larry - Bianca's brother.
- My Parents.
4 things you don't like:
- Two-faced Fucks.
- Olives
- Back stabbing.
- People who dont give a fuck.
- Making people happy.
- Food.
- Sex (what? i would be lying if i said i didn't).
- Visit Tokyo, Canada, Fiji and all of Europe.
- Get married and have 3 kids.
- I hate being alone.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bianca and i are always finding these things on the interwebz with pokemon and funny sayings with their names.
I just happened to think of one haha
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Vanna - Passerby
I've carried this out for way to long.
I'm sick of singing these tragic songs.
It's been days since I could open up my eyes.
Open up my eyes.
Every waking moment's another passing by.
Passing by.
I'm left stranded on my own again.
Empty handed, in need of amends.
Broken, battered, abused my friend,
Or could you not recall that name?
Pretend, that you ever shared a world with me.
I feel like I'm living the dying dream,
The one where you wake up with me.
Pull the covers up with no light to see.
Is this all I have to say
About anything anymore?
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
Live with this.
I have to die from it.
How could you live like this?
Live like this.
This is my take back, this is my final mark.
I'm not this useless person,
I'm not this tired lonely fuck.
Every moment spent is just another of regret.
Different words could be said,
With our spirits lifted.
When every night spent,
Couldn't make a dent.
Another passerby.
Is this all I have to say
About anything anymore?
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
Is this all I have anymore?
I'm holding myself up.
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
I'll pull myself out.
Out of the wreckage of my life.
I'll hold myself up,
Over dark and horrid skies.
I'll pull myself out.
Out of the wreckage of my life.
I'll hold myself up,
Over dark and horrid skies.
When every night spent,
We couldn't make a dent.
When every night spent,
Another passerby.
I'm sick of singing these tragic songs.
It's been days since I could open up my eyes.
Open up my eyes.
Every waking moment's another passing by.
Passing by.
I'm left stranded on my own again.
Empty handed, in need of amends.
Broken, battered, abused my friend,
Or could you not recall that name?
Pretend, that you ever shared a world with me.
I feel like I'm living the dying dream,
The one where you wake up with me.
Pull the covers up with no light to see.
Is this all I have to say
About anything anymore?
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
Live with this.
I have to die from it.
How could you live like this?
Live like this.
This is my take back, this is my final mark.
I'm not this useless person,
I'm not this tired lonely fuck.
Every moment spent is just another of regret.
Different words could be said,
With our spirits lifted.
When every night spent,
Couldn't make a dent.
Another passerby.
Is this all I have to say
About anything anymore?
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
Is this all I have anymore?
I'm holding myself up.
I'm just trying to keep myself on my feet,
Keep living in the consciousness of this.
I'll pull myself out.
Out of the wreckage of my life.
I'll hold myself up,
Over dark and horrid skies.
I'll pull myself out.
Out of the wreckage of my life.
I'll hold myself up,
Over dark and horrid skies.
When every night spent,
We couldn't make a dent.
When every night spent,
Another passerby.
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