Friday, September 30, 2011

Romance Is Dead..

Romance Is Dead - Parkway Drive
This song makes me feel better when I'm down

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I will be getting Hold Fast done on my knuckles like this Tuesday October 4th at 1:30pm.
This is Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem by the way.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I want;

I want the top house, built into a rock. Fuck yes!
The bottom house is Eddie Murphy's House.. What the fuck man.. SERIOUSLY!
I would do anything to live there for 2 weeks!

Fails Of The Week;

This is amazing. I cannot wait to watch these every week haha.

Fails Of The Week!

What if;

What If;
I always wonder, what if?
I believe everyone wonders what if at some point in their lives.
SO, here are some of the things i like to think What If about..

What if;
I stayed with one of my Ex's?
I was never Friends with the ones i am today?
I completed school?
I didn't start listening to the music i do now?
I died in that car accident?
I lived on the other side of the world?
I believed in religion?
The world ended tomorrow?
The Harry Potter books kept going?
The twilight books were never written? Oh i know that one, no stupid girls would think it was a rip off from Harry Potter. Fucking idiots. It doesn't even deserve a capital letter.
The TV, Internet and phones were never invented?
We had wings?
Knew how to teleport?
Cancer and other aggressive diseases never existed?
Animals could talk?
There was never a World War I or II?
There was a World War III?
I won the lottery?
We could see further into space and travel into space with lightyear speed technology?

There are a lot more things i wonder about but those were just a few of them.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Scrap That;

Forget the last post... stupid copyright laws haha