Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I have moved out;

A while ago actually. And it is awesome. So much freedom.
But i do miss my parents and my sister as you would.
But.. It is so much fun. I love it.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Moving Out.

It's odd how i feel excited and nervous about moving out.
I mean, i have done it before.. But theres something different about this time.
Maybe because i have a job and wont be inside all the time.
Maybe because it will be partly my house because im paying rent.
Maybe It's the responsibility that come with growing up.
Im not too sure what it is.

But fuck, am i looking forward to the times ahead or what!

New Tattoo;

I have just recently got myself another tattoo.
It is of a dragon that goes from my chest to my wrist.
It still needs some more scales and colour, but it still looks freaking sweet.

Here are some pictures of it for you.
Enjoy! =]

Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 Day Challenge Complete.

Well, my 30 day challenge is complete.
I hope you all had a good read and made you smile and laugh.
So i guess now i will have to look for another challenge and come up with something new.
Hope you enjoyed reading!

Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

I got to see my friends that i havn't seen in ages and have an amazing night.

I got another Tattoo.

I brought myself some vinyls.

Not that exciting i know, but for me, they were all good =]

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing;

Playing guitar.
Seeing Bianca.
Seeing Friends.
Getting Tattoo's.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?

I have learned to control my money. (learned that yesterday)
I have learned to drive a tractor.
I have learned that Flo Rida is actually Florida.
I have learned how to lose weight easier.
And that's about it really haha.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?

A kind person.
Someone with a sense of humor to match my own.
Someone who is themselves around me.
Someone who isn't bitchy.
Someone who is beautiful inside and out.
Someone who can make me happy.
That is all i ask.
And i have all that.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 25 – Who are you?

Name: Michael Dean Rye
D.O.B: 16th September 1990
Town: Willunga
Age: 20
Relationship: Taken
Sex: Male
Occupation: Vineyard operations for d'Arenberg Winery

Favourite Movie:
Grandma's Boy
Harry Potter
Lord Of The Rings

Favourite Song:
The Past Should Stay Dead - Emarosa

Favourite Artist:

Favourite Place To Be:
In the arms of someone special.

Well, im a well mannered guy, kind, forgiving and loving.
But, if you cross me i will find out and it wont be pretty.
Also, i believe in what goes around, comes around. But it seems you need to have decent friends for that to happen. Like when i dunno someone buys booze for people to drink, i don't expect it back straight away.. but it's almost been a year and i have hardly gotten any drinks given to me. And there was a lot of people who i shouted booze for at partys for them to have a good time and go without. But oh well. Ill wait and not forget.

Other than that, im very friendly, i wont not say hello and shake your hand.
Im always up for a conversation no matter who it is.

Monday, November 22, 2010


No, you do not belong on there at all.
You guys never fucking get back to me anymore,
im sick of fucking trying and not getting any fucking answers.
Im fucking over it. Im not the one who can't fucking handle it and run off crying.
I am absolutely fucking sick of it.
They don't care? Well guess what, fucking neither do i.
maybe you guys should have made contact again.
So don't fucking winge about it when this time you fucked up.
Not me.

Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you;

 Beautiful Hayley! =]

 Awesome Sam! =]
Awesome Ben! =]

Awesome Stuart and Sean! =]

Awesome Larry, Matty, Looker, T-Rant, Johnny, B-Rad and Ryan! =]

My Beautiful Bianca! =]

Awesome Andrew A.K.A. Brother Andrew =]

All these people and my family, mean so so much to me.
If they do not know how much then i can't explain it with words.
I will do anything for these people.
As well as other friends i do not have photos of.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love this song;

Day 23 – 15 facts about you;

  1. I am male.
  2. I am 20 years old.
  3. I am a very caring person.
  4. I love to play guitar.
  5. I used to be in a band.
  6. I love hanging out with mates.
  7. I have tattoos.
  8. I am getting more tattoos.
  9. I love my family.
  10. I love xbox. 
  11. I don't like Playstation.
  12. I watch Anime.
  13. I drink.
  14. I love to party in general.
  15. I am in a relationship. I love her.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently;

I don't actually have a letter i would like to write.
So this question is a dud basically.
Ah well. 
Onto the next day!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name;

It's a song by a band called Emarosa.
I love the band. Great songs, great everything really.
It is one of my favourite songs by them.

The End.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 19 – Your reflection in the mirror;

Isn't really that great. 
But it is getting a lot better.
Working out, losing weight, gaining muscle.
I have been told by a few people i am looking better.

All because im making a change.
Im not thin. I was fat. Im in between now.
I would like to lose all my fat and turn it to muscle
by summer, so then i won't feel so
self concious about going to the beach or pool partys.
I won't put up an image. Not yet.

You are just going to have to wait for it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex;

1. Shoes. Seriously. Why so many?
2. The way they bitch about each other.
3. Time of the month. Scariest time ever. Don't even do anything wrong and bam! yelled at for no reason.
4. Driving. Sorry but girls do suck at driving.
5. Some can be obsessive.

1. We are cunts. Sorry but we are. To all women. It's shit. I hate it.
2. Some of them treat their G.F. / Wives like pieces of meat. Disgusting.
3. The way we talk about people in general is just disturbing.
4. We a wankers on the road.

I can only think of 4 that annoy me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like;

Well i hope for my life to be simple.
I would like a nice house with a beautiful family.
3 Kids to be precise.
I would like 2 dogs and a cat.
I would like a Blue Healer and a fluffy dog.
The cat i don't really mind ahha.

I would like to hold a full - time job and save money
so i can travel the world.
Which for my 21st birthday i am going to Fiji.
I will be buying a giant world map and some pins very soon
so i can record where i have been and when.

A simple life for me in the future please.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Saturday i had the most fun i have had i a long long time. It was awesome.
Getting so drunk i can't even remember where i went.
Having mates doing stupid shit.
Like Brad dirty dancing Matt.. Naked..
Like Harry getting naked and casually walking into his house nude infront of his sister and parents.
Funny as fuck day. Loved it.


Yeah i had to post 2 days in a row today because i got lazy and was busy over the weekend.

=] oh well!

Day 16 – Your view on homosexuality;

My view on homosexuality is simple.

I don't care if your straight, bi or gay.
It's your choice with how you want to live.
But if you are gay or bi then please do not hit on me
or try and make a move on me.
It makes me uneasy when things like that happen.

Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without;


Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to;

There are a few shows actually..

There is:
The Big Bang Theory
The I.T. Crowd
30 Rock
Top Gear

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 13 – Your views on drugs and alcohol;

Well i used to do drugs, but not anymore.
But i do drink. A fair amount might i add.

So i believe do what you want.
It's your choice. I had fun with it all.
Sure i regret a hell of a lot of choices
that i made while intoxicated.
And they made my life a living hell.

But it's all good now.
And i wouldn't be the person i would
be now if it wasn't for those mistakes.
So yeah, do what you like i guess.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Okay so for the first time ever,
I actually WANT to go to work tomorrow.
I feel sick from my dinner because it was cooked shitty,
which is a first from the Middle Pub in Willunga.
Usually they do awesome meals.
Not tonight, tonight was shit and made me
feel like crap house.

I had 2 beers and it didn't really help.
I believe I'm changing my life around.
I'm actually wanting to work out and get fit.
I don't feel like drinking after work everyday anymore.
If so i have 2 or 3 and that's it until the weekend.
But most of all I'm wanting to work.

I dunno, maybe its the whole "i want to get
a full - time job" way of thinking..
Or maybe I'm just growing up.
Even though it's weird, 
i do like it.. A lot.

It makes me feel more like a man
than a 20 year old male who is working.
I feel grown up, i feel as though i am
taking responsibility for all my actions
and i am accepting all the responsibility that
is given to me, work wise and through life.

All I'm hoping for is to be better by tomorrow so i can work.

Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is;

My current relationship is taken.
By a beautiful girl named Bianca.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 10 – A photo of our favourite place to eat;

It's not the right place.
But, i have had so many amazing
memories and it's my favourite place to eat at.

Ramen Shop.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 8 – A song to match your mood;

Day 7 – Your dream wedding;

I would like to be married
under a huge tree with lights
hanging off of it and the aisle
be lit with torches and lights.
I would have it just before night fell.
With a massive feast after wards.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend;

I know she is going to hate me for this, 
but this is my favourite picture of her by far.
Even though she was parro, it was quite funny indeed!

You are my best friend.
We always spend every minute alone, together.
You are my shining star and help me through a lot of the
shit i have to go through and i am grateful for it.
I really am. I love you so much.
I cannot say that i have another best friend.. but.. that is a lie..

There is one more.. Even thought i do not see him much anymore..
Andrew Hill;

He has always been like a brother to me.
Forever since i can remember.
I will never forget you andrew, you will always be a
brother to me no matter what happens.
Always my best friend.
Always be there for me even if it is over facebook because we both
work too much now =]
i love you dude. always, as a brother, as a friend.. thankyou for everything you have taught me and thankyou for supporting me through the roughest times.


Last night it came as a picture
With a good reason, a warning sign
This place is void of all passion
If you can imagine it's easy if you try
Believe me I failed this effort
I wrote a reminder this wasn't a vision
This time where are you Houston
Is somebody out there will somebody listen

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you

My head is made up of memories
Most of them useless delusions
This room is bored of rehearsal
And sick of the boundaries
I miss you so much

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
This time I don't want to
Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
This time I don't want to
Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Fall Of Troy;

I havn't listened to these guys for ages.
You should probably get on to it!


The best album i believe is Doppelganger.
Here is a picture of the album for you just
in case you wanted to download it.

Day 3 - Your Idea Of The Perfect First Date;

There are two ways for it to happen.
It all depends on the weather.

Start off with a coffee in the morning.
Then lunch at a nice restaurant.
Then off to see a movie.
Then some dinner in another restaurant
followed by the drive home with a take-away hot chocolate.

Start off with a coffee in the morning.
Then lunch at a nice restaurant.
Then off to see a movie.
Then some dinner in another restaurant followed
by dinner on the beach and a nice slow walk along
the water while holding hands.

So basically they are the same but a little different.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Caught my ear;


I am doing Movember this year.
Im not going to shave it all off and start 
again because it doesn't grow very fast..
SO, Instead of doing that i will be leaving 
my mo' on and shaving my beard and seeing how 
much it will grow over the next month. 
I will put photo's up each week to show progress =]

Parkway Drive;

The best song to listen to when your pissed off at one of your Ex's =]
Great song!
Fucka Youa

Day 2 - Favourite Movie;

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 1 - Favourite Song;

Well i have 3 haha so here is all of them.

The Past Should Stay Dead - Emarosa

Love Comes Again - DJ Tiesto

Escape - The Devil Wears Prada

Random Fact About Me #2;

I'm a Tits N' Ass man.

Random Fact About Me #1;

I love the rain.
The way it can cause so much destruction, 
Yet be so fragile on its own.
The way it can be so loud, 
Yet can be so quiet.
The way it soothes my mood, 
Yet can make me so angry at the same time.

I do love the rain, But i also hate it.
It's such a good love / hate relationship

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lovin Life;

So today has been awesome for me and it just keeps getting better.
Drove a tractor for the first time in my whole life and didn't fuck anything up! Not once!
Plus i get to drive it all day again! And i got to finish work at 2 and get paid until 3:30!
I also learned i am being made full-time in the next two weeks!
Mum is buying me my Soundwave ticket for me for Christmas, but i will be getting it tonight.
This has made my day super awesome and i am super happy! Lovin' Life!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I don't really like using it towards other people..

But i HATE you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The one band i will never get sick of.
Amazing band in every single way!
The vocals are intense!
The guitars are well played and have amazingly thought riffs
The drums are simple but effective
The bass you can actually hear in every song!

I would like to share one of my favorite songs by them with you =]
The Past Should Stay Dead..


This is the LIVE version of the song.

And this one is the album version.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Most of the time i hate it, like today.
Fucking overtime sucks balls. Start at 7:30am and finish at 5pm. WTF!?

Ah well. At least i will have enough money for my next tat in 3 weeks time.
So it's all good really. Except i feel like shit and im fucked.

Dear work;
I hate you.

The end.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Late night thoughts

I havn't had a late night up listening to Blink in a long long time.
It gets me thinking a lot.
And i miss my bestfriends..
I have lost them all.. It sucks.. a lot.
No one really knows the pain of losing 5 best friends in one foul swoop.
I can't believe how selfish i was and how hurtful i could be towards them,
after all the years of kindness and support. For only me to throw it back in their face..
I want them back. I want to be able to laugh with them without having that strong disgusting feeling in the back of my throat and deep in my stomach.
I want to be able to laugh with them and not feel as though they are always second guessing with me, to see if i am who i once was, to see if i have became that guy i once was.

I don't think there is any words to describe how i feel about it all.
Sorry isn't enough, and will never be enough.
I just don't think after me saying those words " I'm Sorry " that it could go back to normal.
But i guess i could start by saying them.
Just until i can find the right way to show each and everyone of them that i am sorry.

I'm sorry.
For betraying you, for lying to you constantly. For breaking the bonds we had.

Izzy & Tom;
I'm sorry.
For being the jerk and not listening to the advice you guys were giving me and trying to help me through those times.

I'm sorry.
For not seeing you as much as i should be, for not being there for you when you needed it and wanted it. Even if you wanted a shoulder to cry on. I wasn't there..

I'm sorry.
Even though i know these words don't mean anything to you anymore.. this is what its for.
For leaving you stranded, not helping you when you need it the most. Not supporting you, not paying attention to you, not taking interest in what you were saying or doing and basically not making the effort for anything. You have always been my best friend.
I do not care what anyone else says. I will not let anything stand in the way of us being friends. We are past the part where we still had feeling for each other. But now it's different feelings. I believe now, we have grown up. We have matured. We have become adults and don't argue with everything we say. I am glad to say thankyou for everything. But i still wish to say sorry once more.

And if your one of those sad fuckers that think stalking this and telling my girlfriend about it is going to make us fight, guess what. She knows. She can read. It's all on here and i admit i wrote it. Get the fuck over it. If anyone isn't alright with me saying all these things on here and talking to my old friends then just leave. Because if you can't believe the things i say, then that's your problem.


There are a few changes in my life about to happen.

One of my best friends is about to have a child.
A little boy. I will be uncle Mikey..
It's strange to think it could have been the other way around.
I could have been the dad already, i could have had my life planned out.
Sometimes i wish it did happen. Sometimes I'm glad it didn't.

I have a stable job that is paying all my debts.
Soon i will be debt free for the first time in 3 years..
It's the best feeling to be almost debt free.. imagine how its going to be when i am debt free.. I believe it will be insane. I will be the happiest i have been in a long time.

20 already, next year ill be 21.
Oddly scary but exciting at the same time.
I don't know what it will be like.. But i believe I'm ready for it all.


Nothing goes to plan.


6 bottles went down the drain,

one hours waste of time,
I’d ask if you feel the same,
still pushing that chance to try,
your breath in this cool room chill,
long hair that blows side to side,
you speak and make time stand still,
and each time you walk right on by...

Like violence you have me, forever, and after

Like violence you kill me, forever and after.

Can’t count all the eyes that stare,

can’t count all the things they see,
she kills with no life to spare,
just victims are left to bleed,
one drink and the pain goes down,
soft shadows lay by her feet,
lay soft as you slowly drown,
lay still while you fall asleep. (Fall asleep)

Like violence you have me, forever, and after

Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
(And after…and after…and after)

Like violence you have me, forever, and after

Like violence you kill me…
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me…

Like violence you have me, forever, and after

Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
[Lady Voice:]
My dearest
I've missed you very very much since that last night we were together
And will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come
I've been turning it over and over in my mind lately
I've read you're letter through at least 4 times
And will probably read it more times before I'm through
I've been sitting here
Looking at you're picture and getting more home sick every minute
I've wanted that picture more than anything else I know of
Except of course you, you're self
I keep thinking of you darling
I keep wishing I could be home with you
I want to leave in the worst possible way so I could come home to see you But:
Things don't look to good on that subject
This war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone I guess
I've never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now
I'm completely lost without you darling
I never realized I could miss anyone person so much
I just hope it won't be too much longer till I'm able to be with you again
And live a sane and normal life.

This has to be my all time favorite song by Blink 182. There are also a few others i believe bring back memories, but none as much as this one does. The most happiest and miserable memories are locked away in this song.
But, there is the happy side to this song. It is the one song that reminds me that nothing goes to plan, no matter how perfect the outcome seems, no matter how perfect the plan seems. Nothing ever goes to plan. I try not to plan anything these days because i know that at least 98% of the time it will not happen.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wanting to feel that feeling again.

I have been missing the feel of the crowd, the feeling of screaming and singing at the top of my lungs in front of strangers and my friends. I miss being in a band so much.
I miss the fact that i could just let loose on stage and not have a care in the world. The feeling of being on stage is basically indescribable. The closest i could get to describing it would be floating on air and thinking your invincible. It's just so amazing..
I want to feel that all again. I want to have another band. But i don't believe i could find anyone willing to put 110% into it. I want to be able to play the music i love listening to.

To fill this empty space where the feeling once was i am writing new material. Keeping it locked away for a rainy day. Like today. So i have started to write more songs on Piano and Guitar. I am hoping i will be able to record them soon enough and get it out there. I DO NOT want fame, i just want to get my music out there and be heard and recognised with what i can do, not only with my voice but with my hands.
After saying that, i am now going to play piano and fit the lyrics i wrote to the new song i have made.

Wish me luck.
Over and out.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The start to something new.

Hey all!
So basically this is my very first ever blog. It probably will not be the greatest one ever but i just feel that sometimes i want to write anything and everything that comes to mind.
Ill try and make it interesting for a lot of you to read, but i wouldn't expect a medal winning blog from me =]
So! Ill start off by writing about myself, don't worry i won't go into too much detail haha.

Firstly my name is Michael Dean Rye.
I am 20 years of age on the 16th of September. Yes that makes me a Virgo.
I believe i have an odd case of OCD. I cannot stand being in a dirty house that is not my own and feel the need to just clean up to make myself feel better and not responsible for the mess. But, however, I can quite happily have a messy room and not care at all.
I drive a Mitsubishi Lancer CE 2000 1.8Ltr 5 speed manual. She is a beast and a half but often gives me the shits.

I'm a friendly person the majority of the time. And 99% of the time i will become an instant friend of yours if you don't say something that would make me feel like your a dickhead or an idiot. But, that would be quite hard to do so no need to worry about it at all =]

I live in Willunga. It's a small town South of Adelaide, South Australia.
I do enjoy living here. Even though the most exciting thing to do here is watch the oldies play bowls. But i have never been to a more peaceful town, ever. Everyone here is just so friendly and happy all the time. A big part of me loving living here would have to be the Almond Blossom trees. I know they are pink, but i do not care. They are just so.. I don't really know how to put it to be honest. They just make me feel like there isn't a care in the world and i could spend hours just watching them dance in the wind.

Well that's all i can really think of at the moment. But i will definitely get back to everyone soon enough.
