Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex;

1. Shoes. Seriously. Why so many?
2. The way they bitch about each other.
3. Time of the month. Scariest time ever. Don't even do anything wrong and bam! yelled at for no reason.
4. Driving. Sorry but girls do suck at driving.
5. Some can be obsessive.

1. We are cunts. Sorry but we are. To all women. It's shit. I hate it.
2. Some of them treat their G.F. / Wives like pieces of meat. Disgusting.
3. The way we talk about people in general is just disturbing.
4. We a wankers on the road.

I can only think of 4 that annoy me.

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